Our Mission
At The Mutt Studio, we believe...
Sleep is one of the pillars of health. In fact, it is just as important as eating a nutritious diet and exercising on a regular basis. Not only is getting a good night's sleep vital for your pup's healthy immune system, it is also key to a healthy brain, contributing to memory retention and good moods, and improving their learning capacity. A well rested dog is a happy dog!
Comfort is key. Though it varies from dog to dog, most pups are believed to spend about 50% of their day sleeping - around 12 to 14 hours. When they aren't asleep or busy chasing squirrels and barking at the neighbour's cat, dogs spend a lot of time doing nothing - chilling, as we like to call it. They might as well do in the most comfortable way possible!
All dogs deserve to feel safe and loved. Dogs don't care what you look like, where you came from, or how much money you make. If you give them love and affection, they will give it right back, in its purest form. We firmly believe that every dog deserves a beautiful life filled with amazing adventures, long walks on the beach, daily cuddling sessions and all the zoomies their hearts desire.

Mental health is just as important as physical health. If you have suffered from anxiety at some point in your life, you know just how scary and paralysing it can be. Making sure that our pets feel calm, safe, and relaxed is just as important as taking them on their daily walks and being mindful of their food intake, and it is one of the first steps toward their long-term health.
Everyone is welcome here. Dogs and cats, big and small, purebreds and unique mutts. And specially people, no matter where you come from or where you're going next. We believe in love, in kindness, in doing good things and in leaving this world a better place than it was when we first found it. So don't be afraid to spread joy, to be your most authentic self. Be the person your dog thinks you are and we promise the universe will reciprocate.
Dogs are better than most people. We dare you to fight us on this one 😉
The Mutt Studio™ was founded in 2019, in Portugal, by two animal lovers. Inspired by our passion for dogs and our mutual love for all things comfortable and cozy, we created this project on a whim, thinking we would figure it out along the way.
A few years later, we can't even begin to put into words how much this not-so-small-anymore project means to us, and all the dreams we have for the future! Our world is now filled with fur, dirty paws and slobbery kisses - and we wouldn't have it any other way!
What makes us happiest is hearing how much of an impact our products have on our customers. Nothing beats going through the photos of sleeping pups we have received over the years. Knowing that we have contributed to the happiness and comfort of thousands of dogs all over the world fills our hearts with warmth and pride.
As a brand, our purpose is to provide quality and luxurious products that we ourselves use on a daily basis. If it is good enough for our own very stubborn and high maintenance (but incredibly adorable) Beagle, it is good enough for all dogs. He always gets the last word!